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  • Writer's pictureBrittny Campos

Of Elves & Embers

Elle Madison and Robin D. Mahle wrote Of Elves & Embers which joined the Forgotten Kingdom realm with the land of Aelvari. It starts with Ember joining her friends in Vegas. She also received an all-expenses paid trip golden ticket. During her trip, she gets intoxicated and then gets abducted by a brother and sister. They take her through a portal into a different land. Everyone she meets expects her to remember them and what she did for them so many years ago. She gets irritated having to explain that she can't remember. People were referring to her as Princess Phaedra. She enters a throne room and sees a 3 headed dog and gets a little scared. King Haedon responds to her angrily. The rest of the book is about Ember working through her new world and learning about her past. She finds out about her friend Ivy who was also abducted to the Fae realm. As she starts to learn everything, she is still missing the life she curated for herself. She worked as a tattoo artist and had her own shop.

Of Elves & Embers joined the great ranks of Forgotten Kingdom. The story comes across as a Hades and Persephone retelling. Ember even noticed the correlations between her and that story. Nyx, the 3 headed dog, is another nod to the story. Many other nods are throughout the story. Being an elf is an interesting addition. As Ember gains Phaedra's memories, she embraces them while still having her memories from Earth. Phaedra and Ember's memories help her through their current predicament.

I loved it. I plan to read their previous books. I am a huge fan of the Hades and Persephone story. I enjoy how Ember is a strong Persephone character. The connection of the Forgotten Kingdoms is enjoyable. I like how they worked on connecting these friends. I do continue to worry about the mutual friend Isa. Ember and Haedon spoke about what happened when she left and Isa forgot about her. And someone took over her shop. She was devastated about all of that. The authors did a good job of showing how much she struggled with that. I appreciated that.

Read this! It is on Kindle Unlimited and available for purchase on Amazon. Do it!


Will Write Soon!


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