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  • Writer's pictureBrittny Campos


Marissa Meyer has rapidly become a favorite author of mine. I devoured the Lunar Chronicles series and it is one I go back to. When I saw she had a retelling of Rumplestiltskin, I preordered it. Gilded sat for awhile because of my fear I wouldn’t like it as much as the Lunar Chronicles. Well then I preordered Cursed, the sequel I realized I should read Gilded. And of course, she didn’t disappoint.

Serilda was born to parents who asked for a favor from a god. Little did they know, her father asked for a favor from a trickster god. Having that as part of her story, explained why she was able to craft such interesting stories. People always thought she was a liar. She had a wheel in her eyes which people thought was a blessing from th

e god of weaving. She knew it was the wheel of fate. She meets the feared Erlking on the night he was out for his hunt. She lied to get herself out of a position and it sealed her fate for the coming months. She said she could spin straw into gold. The next moon brought the Erlking back to have her spin straw into gold and prove that she could. That night she was locked in a tower and tried to do as she said she could. A young man, Gild, shows up and her whole world changes.

She spun (see what I did there) a wonderful story. I was gripped through the whole thing. I took the book everywhere to keep reading. The characters, Gild and Serlinda, were well written and grew throughout the story. Marissa is an author I am willing to risk the potential of tears for. And there were a lot of tears. And quite the cliffhanger. I love it and picked up Cursed immediately after I finished. I had to continue to see what was to happen. It pulled at my heart.

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